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Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust

Pupil Chaplain Retreat Day

Yesterday, 26 Pupil Chaplains from the schools within the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust met at Westminster Cathedral for our first Pupil Chaplain Retreat Day

The day was led by SJSCAT Lay Chaplain, Caroline Moulinet, and it was a wonderful opportunity for pupils and staff to gather in the Cathedral, where the mortal remains of our Patron Saint, Saint John Southworth, are kept. 

In the morning, pupils were given a talk about the history of Saint John Southworth by Breda Fogarty, Guild of St John Southworth Co-ordinator at Westminster Cathedral before a very special and informative tour of the Cathedral itself. 

After lunch, pupils were split into three groups with a representative from each school, to discuss the Trust's values of 'Dignity, Service, and Perseverance'. They then thought about how, as chaplains, they could take what they learned to ensure these values are upheld across all areas of school life in their respective schools. 

Thank you to Caroline Moulinet and to the staff at Westminster Cathedral for a very inspiring and blessed day. Thank you also to all of the pupils for being excellent ambassadors for the Trust and for the important role you play in Catholic life across the Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust. 

SJS Pupil Chaplain Retreat Day 2024